Category Archives: serious_games

Storytelling for storyboarding and Serious Games

Storytelling is a powerful instrument, often applied in educational and training situations to facilitate the construction of fictional examples or the telling of real stories to illustrate a point and effectively transfer knowledge (e.g. Weik 1995). Storytelling is used as “a medium of collective intelligence” (Frenzel et al, 2004, p.9) by promoting multi-perspective views on certain topics and thereby enriching the individual perspective. Storytelling is a process and a means for sharing, interpreting and offering knowledge and experiences to an audience. Told stories provide a context, they embed knowledge into a concrete situation, they not only comprise pure facts, but also connections and emotions. Stories are a prime vehicle for assessing and interpreting events, experiences, and concepts from minor moments of daily life to the point of a broader e.g. historical, political, work, social level. Storytelling is an intrinsic and indispensable form of human interaction. Continue reading Storytelling for storyboarding and Serious Games